For 20 years Pastor Eberhard Klatt, retired from Bethany Lutheran Church and Pastor Don Hougard from Benediction Lutheran Church have invited you to our German services. Recently we have been joined by  Pastor Edmund Schafer and Pastor David Flegel. 
These services are generally held on the 3rd Sunday of the month. Young and old, people born in Germany, and others who are just learning German have attended. There is also an English translation with every service. We look forward to worshiping with you too!
The Services are held at 
Benediction Lutheran Church
8475 W. Fond du Lac Ave

Milwaukee, WI 53225

2017 German Worship Schedule

 January 15, 1:30 pm

February 19, 1:30 pm

 March 19, 1:30 pm

Good Friday
April 14, 1:30 pm

May 21, 1:30 pm

June 11, 1:30 pm

July 16, 1:30 pm

August 20, 1:30 pm

September 17, 1:30 pm

October 15, 1:30 pm

November 19, 1:30 pm

Christmas Service 
December 17, 1:30 pm



Download the 2017 Schedule